Sunday, May 18, 2008


I love the spring! I get so inspired. It's new life, new beginnings and renewal of some old stuff also. I have really been busy this spring - quilting that is. I have been inspired by the renewal of life and what that all means. I made this quilt to depict that inspiration. Unfortunately, as quickly as I created this piece, it left the nest. Isn't new life like that. We create - and then we pray that what we create goes into the world to be of benefit. Where did this new piece (child) of mine go? Well, of course, off to inspire the world - auctioned at the Clark Atlanta University Jazz Festival fund raiser.
Title: New Life, 2008
Designed, Appliqued, Pieced and Quilted

1 comment:

Irma White said...

I love this project. Great job! Is that something you teach in your classes?